Monday February 3rd to Monday March 3rd 2020

A table is a piece of furniture that’s sole purpose is dining. No desks. No coffee tables.

Phones, tablets, computers, tv- even in the background- are not allowed. The rule clearly states screens, so if you are reading a book or listening to something that is technically allowed.

Not even at a table without screens present.

Adhere to the rules a receive 0 points

Not eating at a table earns you a point. Any screens present while eating earns you a point. Each alcoholic beverage that you consume earns you a point.

If you are perfect for the entire month you will finish with 0 points. Winners will receive a gift.

Most of you know what to do. The knowledge of what is best to eat is there. The goal of this month is to turn off autopilot, eliminate the mindless eating, avoid the nibbling that takes place as you prepare a meal and bring awareness to the choices we are making. When we’re stressed and rushed we are in Fight or Flight mode. Our bodies do not digest food or absorb nutrients properly, no matter how high the quality of food is. When we sit and focus on what we are doing it puts our body into Rest and Digest mode. In this state our bodies are much more prepared to eat and process food. It is our hope that after one month of practicing good behaviors we will continue to be mindful even after the Challenge is over.

Even though we are not mandating the quality or quantity of what to eat, we still know that Eating Real Food – Not Too Much – Mostly Plants is the best way to sustain a happy and healthy lifestyle.

We will not supply you with trays but if you want to use them here’s a link to buy them.

Absolutely! Ask any coach and they’ll help you calculate them for a small amount!

Coffee, tea, water, & seltzer are freebies. You can drink those where ever you want.

Composition change is not part of the criteria to win but we still strongly suggestion weighing in and out.

You can drink or eat whatever you want. If it’s not one of the freebies from above then you must be at a table with no screens present.