Testimonials & Success Stories

Below are some testimonials and success stories from our clients regarding their transformation and inroads to weight loss and better health.

These people, along with many others we have worked with, took the time to buckle down and make the effort to change their lives. It was hard work, but it has been worth it for each person.

This is proof that our system, training and constant badgering are done for a reason – we know you can succeed and we want to help you do it! It won’t come overnight, but the fact remains that it will come. You all have made the first step towards better health and fitness by getting involved with CrossFit and our dietary recommendations – that say’s a lot of great things about your character and attitude.

You’re in control. There’s nothing you cannot do. If you want a particular goal, you can reach it with dedication, desire, and determination!

Nothing is easy, but in the end it is all worth it!

Randall Ford

In the last several weeks I have seen 6 different doctors, I have been checked head to toe and inside out, everything from numerous blood work tests to body scans, heart, cancer, colonoscopy, endoscopy, annual physical, etc. A lot of it was due to the cancer I went through for 2 years, some was regular check ups. Yesterday my doctor was blown away by my physical and blood work, I got better in almost every category, he cut medicine in half, discussed coming off of some meds, most of all he was intrigued that my blood work improved significantly but I gained several pounds, he said he could tell I gained muscle mass, which is a big deal after all my surgeries (4 major surgeries in the last 3 years) and treatment and for my age. He asked what I have been doing, I told him the biggest change is diet and CrossFit at CFFD! thank you for helping me, I know I don’t do everything perfect, but CFFD has had a tremendous impact on my health and I am continuing to see gains. I have worked out all my adult life, but by far, CrossFit is a game changer, and the community at CFFD is second to none, and of course, incredible coaches!

Randall (aka Romeo)

Kelly D Bumgardner

Thank you Rebekah McCarthy for encouraging me to try CrossFit Fort Dobbs!

6 weeks in and it’s the most consistent I’ve been with any fitness in a long time! Sissel Svenkerud and Nicole Michelle Kevwitch are goals and make me wanna get better each day! If you need a gym family, come check it out!

Thank you Rebekah McCarthy for encouraging me to try CrossFit Fort Dobbs!

6 weeks in and it’s the most consistent I’ve been with any fitness in a long time! Sissel Svenkerud and Nicole Michelle Kevwitch are goals and make me wanna get better each day! If you need a gym family, come check it out! 🏋🏼‍♀️ 🏋🏼‍♀️ 🏋🏼‍♀️

Leigh Brown

Late check-in, but had to share this. I’ve been doing CrossFit for 10 months now and am certainly stronger than I was in August!

Sometimes I feel like I’m not making much progress, but I have to remember where I started. Tonight I did a handstand on my own and didn’t even fall on my head! I hear that handstand push-ups are next! Yikes!!

Tracy Skeens

Did my first full Murph today!

Mine looked a little different with 2000 meter rows, ring rows, and elevated push ups but I did it. Thanks to the coaches and community at CrossFit Fort Dobbs – I couldn’t have done it without them. I am thankful for a God who gave me a body that can move, no matter what it looks like, and loved me enough to give his life for mine. I’m also forever indebted to those men and women who gave their lives in service to their countries.

Simon Davis

For those who know me, I’ve be doing the Crossfit thing for quite a while. This is my 7th year 😱.

Like a lot of you I originally dreaded the Murph as this could potentially be a loooong workout and the fact that there is a bunch of running.(#1 You know how I love running!) Well this year I approached it a little differently, 7 years is a lot when you are in the ‘classics division’. I decided not to do this in the morning with the rest of you. For me, I have to have my head and body in the right place. (#2 You know how I love morning workouts!) so I came in on my own Saturday evening, put the game face on and went for it. I ran the whole 1st mile as I needed to bank as much time as I could for the rest of the workout. I then kept my breaks to a minimum, I just kept on moving knowing every second counts and braced myself for that second run…. We all felt it…. Legs said nope! But I loosened up and was actually able to sprint the last part in a desperate hope of not totally embarrassing myself.
I came in just 20 seconds shy of my PR! Proving that there is life in the old dog yet! This will be my 7th time of saying… nope not doing this again!
Murph is a milestone in the life of a Crossfitter. I’ve seen people go from scaling to RX’ing. Yes, I’m talking about you Don and Michelle, and is a big indicator of your progression and perseverance in this sport.
I give thanks to coaches Michelle and Mike for keeping us on the right path inside and finding our place out there in the world of Crossfit.
I give special thanks to Da Boss (Sissel) for taking CFFD to a whole new level and making THIS box THE place to be when it comes to community, encouragement and loving us for the weirdos that we are!

Courtney Dickson

Today I did my first murph; never in a million years did I think I do such a thing.

I did scale down the push ups to “girl” push ups, and the pull-ups to ring rows, but I’m so proud Of how far I’ve came since I started my CrossFit journey back in October! I’m getting stronger everyday and I can’t wait to see how much better I will do next year! 💪🏼

Matt G.

You guys care about people and their well being.

People should choose you as their gym because you truly care about people and their well being. Since the first time I was introduced to you guys, on my first day to the gym, Coach Sissel were very encouraging and have treated me like family ever since. Very inspiring to me to never give up and to always push myself and believe in myself more than what I do. Your positivity is contagious to others and your love for people and their health is amazing!

Michele Woldman

Finally making some progress in my performance!

The coaches pay close attention to your form to make sure there are no unnecessary injuries. Great atmosphere and very welcoming. The gym has a good supply of equipment with lots of space to move. I recommend giving CFFD a try as your new gym or just as a drop-in when in town.

Natalia Zapata

Coach Sissel is the best!

Previous member at CFFD about Coach Sissel

Personal Training Clients

Dale Sloan

You are the only one I have EVER worked with in my 60 years.

I had never stepped into a workout environment / gym in my life until last April with you.I´m still here. – Dale S (one of Coach Sissel`s one-on-one clients).

Addie Haywood

You never let anyone give up! People should choose you because you push people beyond what they even think they`re capable of, you are so encouraging and tough at the same time. You never let anyone give up even when they feel like it`s impossible. You really put time and thought into the workouts you plan for your clients that are specific for each individual and it goes a long way in their progress. One-on-one client to Coach Sissel

Keith Harrison

Sissel is really like no other trainer. I have seen trainers care about their clients but she goes above and beyond. Not only is she a trainer but she is also a friend and every workout she do, she take the time to make sure it is specifically for that specific client. She take her time and she ispatient. She do not rush and she act like they are her family. Not only do she say she care, she show that she care. It just apparent that personal training is her passion and she love doing it.

Previous member at CFFD about Coach Sissel

Anna Johnson

Coach Sissel got me back up and running 5 miles without any pain.

When I came to Sissel for help, I was frustrated because for 8 years I´ve been sidelined off and on from running due to pain from plantar fasciitis, my knee, or ankle. It had gotten so bad that I couldn`t run a mile without pain in one place or another. Within just a few months, Sissel got me back up and running 5 miles without any pain. It has had benefits beyond my original goals for coming to see her. She`s helped me set and reach strength, balance, and overall fitness goals I never thought were possible.

One-on-one client to Coach

Previous member at CFFD about Coach Sissel

Kimberly Brady

Sissel cares about her clients! She is very knowledgeable about the body and how it works. She know what movements and exercises are needed to improve areas of weaknesses. She look at every client as an individual and seek to train him/her in the way that they need! She CARE about her clients! And she live what she teach!!

Carey Austin

Sissel can handle all aspects of having a healthy lifestyle. She pays attention not only to her clients abilities but to how they are feeling in a particular day so she can push them without injuring them. She is knowledgeable about the body and nutrition so she can handle all aspects of having a healthy lifestyle. She can adapt her workout for a client`s particular limitations.

One-on-one client to Coach Sissel

Anne Bell

It`s the most individualised training ever. Because she train her clients based on THEIR goals..vs what she think they should achieve. She teach proper form to avoid injuries. She encourage based on what she has learned works best for them. It`s the most individualised training ever.

One-on-one client to Coach Sissel

Katie Harknett

Knowledgeable, encouraging, flexible and available. There is a lot I like about Sissel.

Many of the things are givens- She is knowledgeable, encouraging, flexible and available. But what stands out to me is her commitment to each person. She is approachable and accessible above and beyond the usual. She really listen to what I´m saying and help me to make goals and push towards them. And there is something about her style that drives me to push myself past what I thought were my limits. I always feel encouraged, never belittled or beat down. I feel like she create a partnership for my fitness.

Was one-on-one with Coach Sissel, now regular CFFD Squad